Course curriculum

    1. Welcome To SMS

    2. Overview

    3. Macro & Micro Content

    4. Master Files Download - All Google Documents to Create the System

    1. Plan Your Content

    2. Plan Your Content Spreadsheet

    3. How To Come Up with Ideas for Content

    4. Create Your Facebook Live

    5. Add Facebook Live Link to Document

    6. Download Facebook Live

    7. Create Blog Graphic

    8. Blog Graphic Templates

    9. How To Get Transcribed

    10. Temi To Transcription Document

    11. How To Clean Up & Create Email

    1. Save As Audio

    2. How To Add Trailor Audio

    3. Link to Website We Use to Add Trailor

    4. Upload to Libsyn - Podcast Service

    1. Keyword Research and Content Ideation

    2. Creating Youtube Thumbnail

    3. Youtube Thumbnail Template

    4. Upload to Youtube

    1. Upload To Dropbox

    2. Linking It All Together

    1. Create Waav File for Social Media

    2. Link to Waav

About this course

  • $597.00
  • 64 lessons
  • 9 hours of video content