Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Human Design Marketing in Color

    2. Schedule & Links

    3. Intellectual Property Notice

    4. Terms of Service

    1. Marketing in Color Workshop - Nov 16

    2. Marketing in Color Workshop - Nov, 16 2023 - Transcription

    3. Marketing in Color Workshop

    4. Variable Marketing

    1. Gate Strengths Masterclass

    2. Gate Strengths

    3. Upgrade Your Ideal Client By Design License

    1. Learn More About Business Design With Human Design

    2. Learn More About HD Your Biz™

    3. Learn More About HD Wild™

    4. Other Ways to Dive Deeper

    5. Limited Edition Ecocentric HD Bundle

About this course

  • $97.00
  • 16 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content