Course Curriculum

    1. Welcome to HD Roots

    2. HD Roots Calendar

    3. Join the Facebook Group

    1. Lesson 1 - Delve - Embrace - Become -

    2. Understanding Your Human

    3. Problem Awareness & Your Human

    4. Workbook Overview

    1. HD Roots Month 1 - Teaching Call

    2. Brand Board & Logo Templates

    3. HD Roots Lesson Text

    4. The Climate of Your Industry

    5. The Climate Industry - Transcription

    6. Green lights, Yellow Lights, Red Lights

    7. Green lights, Yellow Lights, Red Lights - Transcription

    1. SEO for Sustainable and Regenerative Growth

    2. SEO for Sustainable and Regenerative Growth - Transcription

    3. SEO for Sustainable and Regenerative Growth - Lesson Text

    4. Story Telling Marketing through the Lens of Human Design

    5. Social Media Post & Pinterest Templates

    6. Regenerative Marketing - The How To

    7. Regenerative Marketing - The How To - Transcription

    1. Live Blog Setup - SEO In Real Life

    2. Prepping for Dinner & Dividends with SEO Lesson Text - Your SOP for SEO

    1. Business Design With Human Design Workbook

    2. Business Design With Human Design Lesson

    3. Business Design With Human Design®

    4. Business Design With Human Design® - Month 3 Transcription

    5. Business Model Design By Human Design

    6. FOCUS - Follow One Course Until Successful

About this course

  • $997.00
  • 67 lessons
  • 27.5 hours of video content